The real reason Universal Healthcare will fail in the United States – University for Weight Loss Science

The real reason Universal Healthcare will fail in the United States – University for Weight Loss Science

When it comes to universal healthcare in the United States, there is a serious math problem. There is not enough money available if the primary focus is on reacting to health. With 70% of the U.S. population being overweight or obese, it is time to stop treating this issue as if it has been solved? according to one study, conducted by The Urban Institute, a non-partisan research institute in Washington… the Institute researchers figured out what people turning 65 in various years have already “paid in  to social security” and what they can expect to “take out” after they reach age 65. The results were that seniors “paid about one-third MORE in benefits than they paid in taxes. Houston, we have got a math problem!

If 10 people put money in the bank and seven need to take out more money than they put in, there will never be enough money for universal healthcare unless prevention is the primary focus. Where are our fitness police to stop us from eating that next donuts, or sitting on the couch? Sounds preposterous doesn’t it. Yet, it is not more preposterous than police officers pulling us over and fining us for not wearing our seat belts. There are so many areas where less people have died, yet we have marches, prayer vigils and have passed laws to try to reduce fatalities in those areas… which we should; but we don’t take the same stance when it comes to preventative health in a meaningful way.

There are mountains of research that suggest that being overweight or obese can lead to all sorts of diseases, especially as you get older. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Being overweight and sedentary with bad nutrition are major contributing factors for arthritis as well as heart disease. Every one minute someone dies from heart disease events in the United States. So, 5 to 6 people will die from heart disease while I am reading this new report.  Not understanding how weight loss fitness science works is a massive problem that needs to be address in a much more scientific way.  Unfortunately, currently, the problem is being treated as if it has been solved. Has it?

Watch the video above to hear the rest of the story then have a vigorous debates with friends. Don’t forget to subscribe to our youtube channel for more amazing videos. 

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